Learn How to Retain the Smell of Body Spray Mist

Body sprays are a great source of letting
the effect of summer to let go and gives you a wonderful feel to remain
fresh and relaxed. Summers are not only responsible for giving rise to
the sweating of body, but bacterial attack also initiates bad smell over
the skin which at times becomes really embarrassing and unavoidable. So
in order to fight back with this unpleasant situation use of body spray mist
is really helpful and essential as it is the best remedy to make the
fragrant stay for the whole day. In spite of the useful benefits of mist body spray,
unawareness of how to retain it is still prevailent among people. But
no worries this blog will make you go through on some appropriate ways
to retain it.
Body spray mist with moisturizer
You may have oily, dry or normal skin. But do you know that how could you have a longer effect of mist body spray
as per your skin type? You don’t know! Right! Well! An oily skin can
hold on to the smell for a much longer time as the spray doesn’t get
absorbed easily and quickly. But if you have drier skin then you should
be probably loosing the fragrance soon, the solution is to mix the spray
with moisturizer and apply evenly on your body thereby making it to
last longer.
Apply at pulse points
You must have heard about pulse points,
but have you ever figured out why these pulse points are important while
applying body spray? Because these are the pulse points where the heart
rate can be easily felt and applying body spray on these points can
foster it to remain for a long time. Some of these points are behind the
throat, behind ears and behind knees.
Steer clear of rubbing
Take off the myth that mist body spray
can aid in enhancing the fragrance of the spray to be more effective
and fragrant. No! It’s not at all correct! In fact, rubbing encourages
the molecules to break down and the smell becomes diluted from
concentrated. So it’s better to let the feel of spray remain as it is
and let the fragrance stay longer.
Get more information please visit at – https://goo.gl/cCAgP9
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